Thursday, October 30, 2014

Do We Learn Differently?

My answer to this question it’s YES!!! we do learn differently!!!
Many people learn by hearing,Visually (by looking at it), or simply by touching and this is where UDL (Universal Design Learning) comes into play. UDL was created to help people with disabilities to help learn the same thing other students were learning but differently.


In one of my assignment I had to go to pinterest and when I searched under UDL it came out many good options but I found this one called UDL at a glance it’s a video that pretty much explain the material covered this week explaining the UDL. I thought it’s a good pin because as we studied this week, people differently. They learn by visualizing and hearing out loud, here it’s a video that explain UDL very well which help me understand UDL in a better perspective.

In the class EDU100, i could say it's a little similar teach method use UDL because for many assignment there are multiple way we can have it done. some people may choose picture to explain the material, others are mostly written,  or even using things from experience. in this blog which i found pretty interesting because it help teachers on how to integrate UDL into classrooms and tells you the three key points of UDL which are the "what", "how", and "why". the three point under UDL are engagement, representation and action and expression.

So yes people learn differently and theres nothing wrong with it. But i think the curriculum from school should be change because we are a diverse country, which it's expected to have a diverse classroom either with some gifted students, some with disabilities and multicultural as well. 

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