Thursday, October 23, 2014

Is there any benefit on multicultural education?

As we learn this week in class about multicultural education, on question came on my mind and is there any benefit on multicultural education? In my opinion yes multicultural education it's in fact a benefit in education.

As we learn in class this week there are five approaches to multicultural education which are "teaching the exceptional and culturally differences, human relation (my favorite), single-group studies, multicultural approach, and lastly, education that is multicultural and social reconstructionist" (McNergney).

I think there are many benefits on multicultural education because we get to learn from other parts of the cultures as well as to learn to accept and appreciate our own culture. To learn that there are many culture we can learn about. we learn that being united as a whole without any gender bias we are learning that we are strong because we are at the same through the heart. 
There's one quote i like from the book "great teachers adapt their methods to help all students succeed. they must be able to use educational strategies that can be fitted intelligently and sensitively to the diversity of their students' needs and abilities." Multicultural education its beneficial in so many ways it gives you hand on had experience on some cultures and their language, it open new minds to see the world differently. as multicultural also, help student from all the world to learn the language. 

In this article called “building a nurturing and supportive environment for all student”  it talks about the importance of multiculturalism in classroom. For example in mentions how first the teacher should teach their student to genuinely care for their culture and slowly working into it, like it mention how teachers should “maintain a strict level of sensitivity to language concern is another important component of a culturally responsive classroom”. I like this article because it mentioned many important aspect a teacher should have to have a responsive classroom, I encourage you to read it you would get great point from here as a teacher. 

I found this great article called understanding classroom dynamics under teaching multicultural classroom it gives you tips on how to go on in teaching multicultural classroom as well it gives the take away point of how to teach and what to be careful of doing. 

Teaching a multicultural classroom not only a student learn but a teacher as well, if a teacher it's engage in learning as well, a teacher may bring a community together as a whole. 

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