Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why Teach???

WhY TeAcH???

In this week in Edu 100 we cover a topic that was very interesting to learn about which was “why teach?” There are many reasons why students choose the career of teaching. It could be because of family tradition, because they like kids, they want to make a differences or it could be that they are passionate of teaching new subjects and seeing the student faces of amusement when they learn something new; which makes the teachers day but choosing to teach its something that would be inside of people and it’s called PASSION!!!

Why Teach Pin from discussion----There are many reasons why people choose to teach but in this week discussion I found a pin that it was enjoyable to watch because it list many aspect of teaching for example, it doesn’t only say why teachers teach but it also shows why we should be thankful for them. In this pin, which it’s a video, shows that teachers not only are teachers but they are mentors, mothers, fathers, and even nurses. It shows that teachers have big roles in any students’ life; I encourage any of you to see it because you would like it It shows many reasons why we should be grateful with teachers and by watching this video it shows you why people choose to teach.

Article “why consider becoming a teacher?” ----In this article they mention many good points on why choose to teach, for example, it’s mention that teaching is not a job but more a vocation and I really like this quote that says “A teacher makes a difference in the world by enabling each of his or her students to fully maximize their talents, imagination, skills and character” ( which I a believe its very true because teachers would make push our talent outside the box, they would see what we are capable of and most important they would believe in us. Another point that struck my attention was teachers would be “lifelong learner” ( which its true because teacher would be learning even from their students as well and not to mention from technology now that this world its surrounded it by it. There are many other point on why to teach because teaching it a great career to go in to it because from teaching we would have learners that one day they would become someone with a profession because of the knowledge that was sow in every student.

Article "Teaching around the world" ----In this article where it talks about from two different school system and incredibly both systems are exceptional school. It talks about Finland and South Korea, where Finland its just laid back and South Korea system it’s intensively strict but in both systems their students are great in getting their good grades. As reading this article I learned that the system doesn’t have to be strict to be achievable but being strict doesn’t affect either their achievements. As Finland believe more in outdoor learning, and technology its not their importance as the complete opposite of South Korea where there is little break for them and technology its implanted on all their buildings both of them have something in common that it’s the most important part to have their school one of the tops with good grades. They both have the same believe that “all children deserve access to an excellent education” and “The countries share a passion for learning and a belief that if every child is educated, the entire society benefits” (, I think that’s the most important part of believing in education its very important because from there on it doesn’t matter how the system works. Having different system didn’t do any harm to the students because from both countries the students did well but the same believe on education its what makes the system work.

I believe teaching it's important because the reason for...
Why Teach? Is 
---Because to teach you open different minds where there are endless possibilities to conquer the world with knowledge.
---Because teaching helps you learn from others.
---Because simply the love of teaching its the most important thing.
---Because to teach is to touch lives forever. 
Teaching is one way to show your knowledge to everyone, to show you care for this society because students who learn would benefit the society with their knowledge.

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