Tuesday, December 9, 2014

education metaphor roller coaster

is like a

1) I found this metaphor that says, "School is a roller-coaster, sometimes scary, sometimes fun, but when it's over you can say you did it!!!

 I like this metaphor because it explains exactly how I feel about education. Education is like a roller-coaster it has ups and down; some of the path are rough and others are smooth but at the end its the effort you made that counts. As a roller-coster you go to the finish line with others in it, is the same for education; even though you meet the line with your efforts it's combined with all the help you had from teachers, counselor, family and friends.  While getting education you face fears you never expected, fears that you may conquer like when you get into the roller-coster height. Having an education you have to meet specific standard like the roller coaster where you have to a certain height to be able to ride. 

2) Taking this class I learned many thing that I would take into my future; first there is not only one way a person learns. A person learns differently others by touch, other by vision, and other intellectually. Education is the key to success, educations it’s so important because with education you create knowledge and with knowledge you conquer anything. Lastly teachers and family are one strong part of any ones life to complete education as a success. Education serves as many things like environmental education and recycling are ways to learn. With an open mind and creativity we can make classroom diverse as well as learning while having fun.

3) I learn many things doing the blog like putting my ideas outside of my mind, being creative and thoughtful. From the blog with each topic I learned more things when researching more insightful from each topic. From my classmates I learned from their same views as mine as well as their different views from mines as well. We all have different viewpoint in specific topics but at the end we are all learning from each other. Learning it’s the most important part without judging others view. These points are important because we live in a place where multicultural its high in percentage and different views are there to share with classmates. I personally had fun while learning. This class was very different from others where it allowed me to learn in a fun way, being creative and simply being me while sharing my thoughts.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

SoCiAl JuStIcE

As in this week in edu class it was about social justice. Do everyones knows their rights?
i believe everyone should know their rights because knowing your rights would help you understand what its right and wrong, what is discrimination or not but simply knowing your rights may help you in so many ways.
In this week we had to look in pinterest and i searched under Social justice and i found a picture that it was pretty interesting where it’s describe “the universal declaration on human rights”. One of the things the pictures says “ we are all born free and equal, everyone is entitled to these rights no matter your race, religion or nationality and everyone has the rights to life, freedom and safety”; I like this because I believe in all those things. Everyone should be free treated equal as well free to do what he or she wants for example in education. Our race, nationality is not a thing to be in the middle of what we beliefs in, we are human and we are all equal.

I like this picture as it shows the rights of everyone. many of the rights mentioned in here are:
"every one has the right to EDUCATION"
we are ALL EQUAL before the LAW and entitled to EQUAL PROTECTION of the law"
FREEDOM of EXPRESSION: you have the right to free thought and to voice your opinions to others"

In the article: "introduction: creating classroom for equity and social justice", there is one quote i found pretty interesting that said "a social classroom equips children no only to change the world but also to maneuver in the one that exists" i believe that this quotes means that everything they learn in the classroom it helps them as well outside of the classroom.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

PlAcE bAsEd EdUcAtIoN

My place base education it would be in my home country… why because while learning we learn how to appreciate nature what it’s the most beautiful thing we can see, learn and experience. Back then when I was only 9 years old I saw how the school was base as a place based education while it had agriculture offered for students. How it was important and still important to fight together for our believes, how as a community we come together to fight for any cause like a couple weeks ago my cousins where in school and the school got together with parents and the community as a whole to help with breast cancer awareness as a whole as a tight community.

As you can see this one thing I remember from my home country…Nature!!! Where I learn on first hand experience…

 Its not only having first hand experience but we can get a sense of how things are, how we learn and lastly how we can get to care for something beautiful we want to protect. As we have talked in previous discussion in class this week like in the video we saw we come together as human beings to protect nature because with a green environment the better we are as generation and the generation that are to come by the years. While having green we can appreciate what nature give us and learn from it. I think place based education should be intergraded into more school so we as educators don’t forget the beauty, so we can get first hand experience that we never would forget and education would be interesting as well as seeing our daily life because having place based education would helps come together as human being and would help us to want to have more green in our planet.

we could be a better generation, we could be more green and we can certainly as educator can teach our generation to appreciate our nature. we don't only learn from book we certainly learn from environment and if we destroy it then we are ourselves destroying our path for a better future and education. 

we should learn recycling its fun as i found in Pinterest for this week when I searched under environmental education and I found this interesting article called “exploring environment print in the preschool classroom” this teacher uses food containers, menus, magazines, road sign (made, bought or found), they also, make cereal box puzzles that are cheap too. I think there is not such obstacle in wanting to learn. Learning happens in any way while being in school, with books, with environmental things like recycling things and making it useful in learning activities. I’m going to try the cereal box puzzles that sounds interesting and fun to do.

its cheap, easy and fun to do while recycling!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


For this week I searched Montessori and I came through this one called “how we Montessori and here they showed a variety of activities that could be arrange for toddlers to play with because I find interesting as an activity to play and have fun but at the same time they are learning either punching holes or coloring but they are learning, last week I found another pin which actually helped me with my toddlers where they show a variety of things to do at home that its helpful to maintain them occupied while learning and one of them its letting them play with rice so what I did was put them in separate bowls and colored them with food coloring, he did well while mixing the rice and putting in the bowl he seem very into it while he saw the colors, touch the rice and mixed it. These activities are great to used while they learn as well.

I belief that there are different things how to learn as i mentioned in other discussion either being in school or outside in the environment, it all depends how people believe is the best way to learn. learning have many way to be interacting and learning. learning its doesn't have one past way but many.