Thursday, December 4, 2014

SoCiAl JuStIcE

As in this week in edu class it was about social justice. Do everyones knows their rights?
i believe everyone should know their rights because knowing your rights would help you understand what its right and wrong, what is discrimination or not but simply knowing your rights may help you in so many ways.
In this week we had to look in pinterest and i searched under Social justice and i found a picture that it was pretty interesting where it’s describe “the universal declaration on human rights”. One of the things the pictures says “ we are all born free and equal, everyone is entitled to these rights no matter your race, religion or nationality and everyone has the rights to life, freedom and safety”; I like this because I believe in all those things. Everyone should be free treated equal as well free to do what he or she wants for example in education. Our race, nationality is not a thing to be in the middle of what we beliefs in, we are human and we are all equal.

I like this picture as it shows the rights of everyone. many of the rights mentioned in here are:
"every one has the right to EDUCATION"
we are ALL EQUAL before the LAW and entitled to EQUAL PROTECTION of the law"
FREEDOM of EXPRESSION: you have the right to free thought and to voice your opinions to others"

In the article: "introduction: creating classroom for equity and social justice", there is one quote i found pretty interesting that said "a social classroom equips children no only to change the world but also to maneuver in the one that exists" i believe that this quotes means that everything they learn in the classroom it helps them as well outside of the classroom.

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